About the Journal

The International Journal of Digitalization and Applied Management "IJDAM" is an open-access, blind peer-reviewed international journal published in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. 


Reviewers Acknowledgements

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the reviewers for their invaluable contributions to the issue “ Vol 1, N° 1, July 2024” of the review “International Journal of Digitalization and Applied Management IJDAM”. Their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue significantly enhanced the quality of our work due to thorough and insightful feedback. 

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): The Convergence of Innovation, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship and Finance
Published: 2024-12-15


  • The Environmental sustainability based on artificial intelligence Marketing benefits of local products

    Hassan AZOUAOUI , Reda Rafii
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  • Hybridization of the management controller's job

    Meriam DEKRI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.23882/ijdam.24132
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