Management & Social Sciences
with scientific referees
ISSN: 2976-0364
Journal DOI+: 10.23882/EMSS
NMd, Núcleo Multidisciplinar
RMd • Economics, Management & Social Sciences
[EMSS] An academic journal with scientific arbitration, whose aim is to publish articles of theoretical foundation, reflection or empirical research, seeking to disseminate scientific knowledge through of unpublished work in the various areas of economics sciences and in matters directly related to social and economic development.
Frequency: biannual (continuous flow)
The journal «RMd • Economics, Management & Social Sciences» is published in full open access. The submission, publication and consultation of articles are free of charge to both authors and readers.
ISSN: 2976-0364 | Journal DOI+: 10.23882/EMSS
Peer review process
a) Checking the manuscript and its suitability for publication;
b) Sending the article for review and analysis by external/independent peers (double-blind);
c) Articles that are fit for publication but require minor changes will be sent back to the authors for reworking;
d) When approved, they will go through the standardization process before being sent for publication.
Code of ethics and good practice
This journal maintains an anti-plagiarism policy to ensure that all published works are original, using specific tools to detect plagiarism. An anti-plagiarism policy that allows us to guarantee standards of originality, to ensure innovative and relevant scientific production.
Statement of ethical publishing standards and good editorial practices
"RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences" has a code of publication ethics that follows the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics; standards of good publishing practice.
The Editorial Coordination of "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences" is responsible for deciding whether to publish articles previously submitted to the journal. The Coordination may be guided by the journal's editorial policies and by the Editorial Board in this decision-making, as well as being constrained by legal requirements to reject publications that infringe copyright or present plagiarism. The Editorial Coordination may rely on the decision of other editors or reviewers regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles previously submitted to the journal.
The Editorial Board will always evaluate manuscripts submitted to "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences" for their intellectual/scientific content without regard to the ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, citizenship, nationality or political position of their authors.
The Editorial Coordination and all members of the editorial team must not reveal any information regarding manuscripts submitted to "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences", except with the authors of the manuscript, reviewers, potential reviewers, other members of the editorial team or the owners of the journal.
The materials contained in a manuscript submitted to "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences" may not be used in the research of members of the Editorial Coordination or any other member of the editorial team, unless duly authorized by the authors of the manuscript.
Peer review assists the Editorial Coordination of "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences" in making an editorial decision, as well as in all communication between the editor and the authors of the manuscript, in order for the latter to improve their article.
Any reviewer who does not feel qualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or who cannot guarantee that their review will be sent in time to the Editorial Coordination of "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences" is impossible, should report this fact immediately.
Any manuscript received for review must be treated by the reviewer as a confidential document. It must not be shown or discussed with anyone, unless authorized by the Editorial Board of "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences".
Manuscript reviews must be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of authors is strictly inappropriate. Reviewers should express their opinion of the manuscript clearly, always adding arguments to support their criticisms.
Reviewers should always identify published works in their reviews that have not been cited by the authors. Any observations and arguments that have been the subject of previous publication should be accompanied by a citation. A reviewer should also draw the attention of the Editorial Board of "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences" if they notice any similarities or overlaps between a manuscript under review and any other published article of which they are aware.
Privileged information or any idea obtained through the peer review process must be kept confidential and not used for personal use. Reviewers should not accept reviews of articles with which they have conflicts of interest resulting from collaborations, personal relationships or oppositions with authors, companies or institutions linked to the manuscript.
Authors must clearly and accurately report original research in their manuscript, describing the work carried out and a discussion of its interest to the area of research under analysis. The data collected must be correctly reported. Incorrect or fraudulent statements are forms of unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
Authors must be prepared to provide the raw data relating to their manuscript for review by the Editorial Board of "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences", or to give public access to it. In any case, authors must find the necessary conditions to store their data for a reasonable time after the publication of their manuscript.
Authors must ensure that they have produced a completely original manuscript. If they have used the work or words of other authors, this must be correctly indicated with the corresponding citation.
Authors should not submit the same manuscript, describing essentially the same research, to different journals. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal in a competitive manner is considered unethical behavior and is not acceptable.
Acknowledgement of the work of other authors should be included in any manuscript. Authors should always cite publications that have played a major role in the work being reported.
Authorship of manuscripts should be limited to those authors who have made a substantive contribution to the conception, design, execution and interpretation of the reported research. The author responsible for the article must ensure that all co-authors are included in the manuscript, and that inappropriate co-authors have been excluded. They must also ensure that all co-authors are aware of the final version of the manuscript to be submitted and that they agree to its publication.
Authors must disclose in their manuscript any financial or other conflicts of interest that could be taken to influence the results or interpretation of the data reported in the manuscript. All sources of funding for the reported research must also be reported in the manuscript.
When an author discovers a significant error in their published work, it is their obligation to immediately notify the Editorial Coordination of "RMd - Economics, Management & Social Sciences" and collaborate with them in removing or correcting the article.
Based on the Statement of ethical publication standards and good editorial practices of the journal Comunicação Pública, in
The texts published here have a License Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0.
ISSN: 2976-0364
Journal DOI+: 10.23882/EMSS
NMd, Núcleo Multidisciplinar
08 & 09 AVRIL 2025
Quelles politiques économiques en faveur de l’investissement et de l’emploi en période de crises et de reconstitution de l’économie mondiale ?
Direction de Mohammed Khariss, Abdelaziz Karraky, El Mehdi Kail. Ouvrage collectif de la première édition des Journées internationales d'Investissement et d'Emploi, 13 & 14 février 2023 à la FSJES Souissi Rabat, UM5.
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