Evaluating the performance of R&D projects from the logic of economic efficiency to institutional logic

the case of an electronics company


  • Papa Ibra KEBE Groupe Clermont Business School CBS, France
  • Rachid El Bettioui Université Ibn Zohr, Maroc
  • Christophe COMBAUDON Universite d’Auvergne, France




Evaluation, performance, R&D project, process, Risks, innovation, legitimacy


From the results of empirical research, the communication presents the results of a survey evaluation conducted on the limits of performance evaluation of R&D projects. The results show that firstly limits are perceived differently according the nature, the field of research, the phase of projects and secondly, in this R&D Division, evaluate R&D project performance would be an innovation barrier and against long term performance. This kind of practice would be called for providing stability and meaning to social behavoir.


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How to Cite

KEBE, P. I., El Bettioui, R., & COMBAUDON , C. (2024). Evaluating the performance of R&D projects from the logic of economic efficiency to institutional logic: the case of an electronics company. IJDAM • International Journal of Digitalization and Applied Management, 1(2), 92–120. https://doi.org/10.23882/ijdam.24134