The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance


  • Rachid OUSKOU Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Khouribga, Maroc
  • Mariya BAHI Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Khouribga, Maroc
  • Ibtissame LAKHLILI Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Khouribga, Maroc



Sustainable development, social responsibility, corporate social performance, financial performance, risk management, stakeholders cooperative governance


In the current era of sustainable development, the integration of economic, social, and environmental dimensions into risk management has become imperative for businesses, particularly in emerging countries. This necessity has spurred the large-scale emergence of Corporate Social Responsibility, encompassing environmental, social, and societal aspects. Alongside this, the concept of Corporate Social Performance has evolved as a quantifiable and measurable indicator derived from CSR practices, reflecting effective stakeholder relationship management. This paper delves into CSP as a metric for social responsibility and its correlation with financial performance, aiming to shed light on the interaction between these two critical dimensions within organizations, especially in the context of emerging economies. Through this exploration, we aim to contribute to the understanding of how CSR initiatives can influence not just the societal impact of a company but also its financial bottom line.


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How to Cite

OUSKOU, R., BAHI, M., & LAKHLILI, I. (2024). The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. IJDAM • International Journal of Digitalization and Applied Management, 1(1), 57–69.