Mayor-entrepreneur and territorial development
Proposal for a model of the mayor’s capacity to undertake
Local authorities, Mayor-Entrepreneur, Skills, Stakeholder expectationsAbstract
The current context - the yellow vests crisis - seems to imply a need to rethink the relationship between elected officials and citizens, given their expectations, the loss of trust in the elites, and the decrease in state grants. The protest movement emphasizes the citizens' desire to be true actors rather than mere extras in politics. They are inserting themselves into the public debate. Is it the moment to innovate in practices and reinvent politics? Is it solely the role of the mayor or the role of all stakeholders (the idea of everyone as entrepreneurs)? To address this movement, the President of the Republic has launched a national debate with mayors at the forefront. Indeed, who better than the mayor embodies proximity with the citizens? However, this approach of the entrepreneurial mayor has its limitations. Indeed, the dynamics, the desire to innovate, and the willingness to take risks must be shared by the municipal team, by public or private actors, and also by citizens. In this article, the findings of a study conducted among political leaders and elected officials invite us to propose a model of the mayor's entrepreneurial capacity based on the work of Huron (2001) on the typology of mayors and Lopez (2018) on the capacity of leaders to undertake.
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