Study on collaborative logistics and company performance
The case of a logistics provider and a prime contractor in the automotive sector in Morocco
collaborative logistics, logistic information system (LIS), logistic provider (LP), ordering customer, logistic performanceAbstract
Businesses must invest in an organizational system that can meet the needs of their customers and meet their increasinglycomplex demands in light of the changing demands of theirconsumers. Comparably, the need to cut costs and concentrateon the core competencies of the business is growingthroughout all industrial sectors. In fact, a brand-new organizational practice known as "inter-organizationalcollaboration" has emerged.
These days, information and communication technologies (TIC) are the essential tools for having an organizationalsystem that enables businesses in general and logisticsproviders in particular to meet their goals. The goal is to bringtogether two important concepts from the field of organizational science: collaborative logistics and logisticperformance. The influence of this collaboration on the logistical performance of the order provider in the automotive industry is examined by focusing on the factors that facilitatethe collaboration between the logistical provider and the ordergiver in the supply chain.
This paper aims to analyze the collaborative logistics practice between logistical providers and order fulfillers in Morocco and its effect on order fulfillers' performance in the automotive sector. Our approach is based on an empiricalstudy that addresses the main question, which is, "How and under what circumstances can the logistical provider-ordergiver collaboration enhance the logistical performance of order givers in Morocco?"
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