The insurance market in Morocco

Descriptive analysis


  • Anas LIMAM INREDD - Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Maroc



Insurance, Penetration Rate, Insurance Innovation, ACAPS, Morocco


This article aims to examine the current state of the insurance market in Morocco and to discuss ways to harness its potential and increase its penetration rate. It analyzes the regulatory and legal framework, the market structure, as well as supply and demand dynamics. It also addresses the challenges faced by this sector. The methodology is based on an analysis of documents and reliable data, such as those from ACAPS. The results show that the sector is growing, particularly in life and automobile insurance, but this growth is dominated by a few large companies, which limits competition. Additionally, barriers to entry, such as legal requirements, hinder innovation. The article also highlights the untapped potential of inclusive and innovative insurance. It recommends facilitating market access, diversifying the product offerings, encouraging digitalization, and strengthening competition. It also suggests better consumer protection by simplifying contracts and regulating insurance comparison platforms. These measures aim to make Morocco a regional leader in this sector while addressing both local and global challenges.


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How to Cite

LIMAM, A. (2024). The insurance market in Morocco: Descriptive analysis. RMd • Economics, Management & Social Sciences, 2(1), e202507.