Unveiling sustainable supply chain practices and their impact on corporate logistics performance

An exploratory analysis of companies listed on the Moroccan stock exchange


  • Majda Gourire Faculté Polydisciplinaire khouribga
  • Khalid Rouggani Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal, Maroc
  • Nabil BOUAYAD AMINE Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal, Maroc




Logistics performance, Sustainable supply chain, Sustainable practices


Companies based in Morocco have recently begun to place greater emphasis on the sustainable supply chain practices (SSCP). As market and regulatory pressure on businesses to adopt environmentally conscious practices grows, companies listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange are turning to active research into innovative techniques that will enable them to enhance their logistical performance while also improving their ecological approach to business processes.Considering the nearly complete absence of research attempting to explain the relationship between the adoption of sustainable supply chain practices (SSCP) and the logistical performance of Moroccan businesses. It was important to investigate the field using a qualitative approach. Regarding our goals and methodology, we would like to describe, clarify, and comprehend the current state of sustainable logistics while also investigating the main practices and their effects on businesses' logistical performance in Morocco.
To this end, we conducted a case study through semi-directive interviews with seven businesses listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange. These businesses are required to provide detailed financial and nonfinancial informations, including sustainability reports, providing crucial data on logistics operations and sustainability practices.The empirical analysis confirms the importance of SSCP in enhancing the logistical performance of businesses, making it crucial to integrate and align green practices with measures to promote sustainable logistics in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Author Biography

Khalid Rouggani , Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal, Maroc



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How to Cite

Gourire, M., Rouggani , K., & BOUAYAD AMINE, N. (2024). Unveiling sustainable supply chain practices and their impact on corporate logistics performance: An exploratory analysis of companies listed on the Moroccan stock exchange. RMd • Economics, Management & Social Sciences, 2(1), e202510. https://doi.org/10.23882/emss25125