The Influence of Digital Transformation and Innovation on Organizational Strategy

Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis


  • Maryame Bijou Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Maroc
  • asmaa Elmoutaouakkil Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Maroc



Innovation, Transformation digitale, Numérisation, stratégie, Digitalisation


This study focuses on the impact of digital transformation andinnovation on organizational strategy through a systematicliterature review (SLR) of published works indexed in theClarivate Web of Science (WOS) and Elsevier Scopusdatabases, comprising a final sample of 111 articles. Bibliometric analysis was deployed to map the focal area interms of dominant topics and their evolution over time. Usingkeyword co-occurrence and bibliographic linkage techniques,we generated insights into the literature at the intersection oforganizational strategy innovation and digital transformationresearch. We leveraged the SLR results to provide an up-to-date synthesis of existing scholarly work to develop aninterpretive framework that illuminates the drivers and outcomes of organizations' adoption of strategic innovation inpotent digital transformation.


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How to Cite

Bijou, M., & Elmoutaouakkil , asmaa. (2024). The Influence of Digital Transformation and Innovation on Organizational Strategy: Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis . IJDAM • International Journal of Digitalization and Applied Management, 1(2), 211–225.