Bibliometric mapping of crowdfunding and social entrepreneurship in the MENA region

Co-occurrence and co-citation analysis




social entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, bibliometric analysis, co-occurence, co-citation, MENA region


This article proposes an in-depth bibliometric analysis of crowdfunding and social entrepreneurship in the MENA region, using the VOSviewer tool to explore the evolution of these concepts over the past decade. The aim is to comprehensively map the academic landscape through the examination of co-occurrence and co-citation data. Leveraging the Scopus and Web of Science databases, we analyzed scientific literature covering the period from 2015 to 2024, selecting 58 documents relevant to this study. The results highlight two main axes structuring the research: financial and motivational mechanisms, and the analysis of academic support structures. The study also identifies reference authors such as Mollick and Lehner, who stand out for their influential contribution to the field. This research provides a structured and rich view of academic contributions in the MENA region, and offers a solid foundation for researchers and policy-makers wishing to strengthen social entrepreneurship through crowdfunding.


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How to Cite

Fatihi, F. E.- zahrae, & Angade, K. (2025). Bibliometric mapping of crowdfunding and social entrepreneurship in the MENA region: Co-occurrence and co-citation analysis. IJDAM • International Journal of Digitalization and Applied Management, 2(1), 23–38.