Managerial Profile and Organizational Resilience
The Case of Private Schools
Organizational Resilience, Innovation, Managerial Traits, Anticipation, Adaptive Capacity.Abstract
This study aims to investigate how the profiles of private high school managers in Morocco, including their sociodemographic and managerial characteristics, affect organizational resilience. Furthermore, it examines the moderating role of innovation in this relationship. The research employs a survey instrument designed to collect data from managers of private high schools across Morocco. The conceptual framework includes variables such as leader profiles (sociodemographic and managerial), organizational resilience (anticipation and adaptive capacity), and innovation. We test hypotheses to determine the direct effects of leader profiles on resilience and the moderating effect of innovation. Preliminary findings indicate that certain sociodemographic and managerial traits of high school managers significantly influence the resilience of their institutions. Moreover, the presence of innovative practices appears to strengthen the positive impact of these leader profiles on organizational resilience. The study will provide empirical evidence that the profiles of how private high school managers in Morocco play a role in organizational resilience. Additionally, fostering innovation within these institutions further influences this effect. These insights will offer valuable guidance for educational leaders and policymakers aiming to build resilient educational environments.
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