Perception that the students of Secondary Education have on the promotion of creativity in the museum
The case of the “Dechados” project in Ciudad Real
Education museums, Pedagogical services, University mediation, Secondary EducationAbstract
The present research has two consecutive objectives: firstly, to promote the reflection of Secondary Education students on how they work for the promotion of creativity in the museum from their pedagogical service, in collaboration with Secondary Education Institutes and the mediation of the University and, secondly, to develop transforming aspects of these realities, based on the observations of the students who develop them and, through collaboration with the university from the area of art education. In the general framework of Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR), which develops collaborative research that involves the participants themselves in the critical analysis of their environment, to analyze the perception that Secondary Education students have about the activity with the educational centers in their facilities. This allows adjusting strategies in the initial training of educators and teachers, trying to reflect positive aspects or strengths together with aspects in need of improvement or weaknesses in these environments, in order to propose keys for the analysis of this reality and establish ways of collaboration between museums, schools and universities.
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